Monday, May 01, 2006

Knot all rosaries have beads

So far every rosary on this blog has had beads, but rosaries come in all different flavors and they don't even need to have beads. The rosary pictured is made entirely of twine that has been knotted to create 5 decades with larger knots for the our fathers and finally a crucifix has been added. This is a fairly fancy one in that a different color twine has been used for each decade. It's possible to make much simpler ones with a single strand of the same color twine.

There is a group called The Rosary Army that makes all twine knotted rosaries like these. Their motto is "Make them, pray them, and give them away" and that's exactly what they do. They have members all over the world who make and contribute twine rosaries, then they send them out free to anyone who emails in an asks for one. I think they've given away thousands of rosaries now and taught hundreds how to make them.

The two rosaries pictured were made by Teena, a member of the Rosary Army.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The materials are inexpensive too (less than $1.00 if you shop).

You can get the instructions on the Rosary Army website.

9:15 PM  

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