Tuesday, May 09, 2006

For the rosary collector with everything

So, you're probably wondering by now, what kind of rosary I actually use to pray with. I mean, given how many rosaries I pass in and out of my possession, you might be curious. If there was any justice in the world I would have some kind of simple wooden rosary that was all worn looking from use. I don't.

I have several rosaries, but this is my favorite and the one that I pray with the most. (The picture is terrible. On an impulse I threw it down on the stage and photographed it.)

The rosary is a "PL" rosary from Quebec similar to this one. It is one of the few rosaries I can't remember purchasing (usually they all have a story) because I didn't see it. I just knew I was getting a sterling silver and jet rosary from Canada with some medals on it. It was while I was cleaning and repairing it that I thought, "This rosary looks familiar..." I looked through my pictures and realized it was an exact copy of my favorite "PL" rosary in black.

At the time I had a different jet and sterling rosary that I thought was my favorite, but over time I started grabbing this one more and more. It was just the perfect length, the perfect weight, and I love the feel of the biconal beads in my fingers. Finally I gave in, retired it from the collection and had it blessed by the priest at my church. (None of my rosaries are blessed since they are bought and sold - it is improper to sell "sacramentals" or blessed objects.)

I do have other rosaries that have significance to me and/or that I use from time to time. For instance during lent I carried my first rosary which is a very simple ebony wood and brass rosary - no medals, nothing shiny, totally lenten. (I had good taste in rosaries when I was eight. It's a wonderful antique.) It's blessed too and so it's not going anywhere either. And then there are a few others that were gifts or have been blessed such as one blessed by Pope Benedict XVI and another that was present during a Marian Apparition in Medjugorie. (The last one makes for an interesting conversation piece at the very least.)

It's a little confusing to others how I have "my rosaries" and "the collection", but as long as it makes sense to me, I guess it works.


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