Last month Greg and Jennifer from
Rosary Army talked on their podcast about a thing they did on the 12th of Febuary called "12 of 12" where they took 12 pictures of how they lived on the 12th day of the month. They got the idea from their friend
Chad Darnell who came up with it and has many links to people's 12 of 12's on his site.
When I saw Greg and Jennifer's pictures I thought it looked like a really cool thing to do. I couldn't wait until the 12th of March so I could take my camera out and chronicle my day.

7:10am ~ The wake up committee: Kurt and Logan. Kurt is actually sitting on my chest and Logan has his feet dangling off the side of the loft. The cats can be really annoying about coming up into the loft and waking me up at odd hours so they are only given access on weekends.

8:30am ~ The Liturgy of the Hours. I try to start everyday with Morning Prayer from the Divine Office. If I don't have time to pray it from the book I listen to it on my drive to work via Jeff Vista's Praystation Portable podcast. I prefer to read it myself though.

10:13am ~ St. John's Catholic Chapel. The 9am Mass is just leaving. I am entering to be an altar server at the 10:30am Mass.

10:29am ~ Ever wondered what goes on in the sacristy before Mass? Sacristan Matt heats up the charcoal burners in the thurible with a propane torch so they will be hot enough for the incense at the beginning of Mass.

11:35am ~ Incontrovertible proof that we are going to heaven... Actually this is just a picture of the 4 alter servers from my Mass just after Mass ended. I haven't served a Mass with Aaron (the cross bearer) since he graduated last year so it was fun having him visit.
12:05pm ~ From the depths of his squeaky clean new Miata, Aaron takes a picture of me taking a picture of him taking a picture from within the depths of his sqeaky clean new Miata.

1:30pm ~ We always go out to lunch after Mass. Here is this Sunday's lunch crowd enjoying the atmosphere at one of Urbana-Champaign's many find restaurants.

1:40pm ~ After lunch we took turns getting in and out of Aaron's new car...

3:00pm ~ It occurred to me that before Aaron and Nick left to return home, it would be cool to all pray a rosary together. Since it was so nice out we decided to walk around the campus while praying. It was great. Aaron and I have both led St. Johns' rosary group at one time or another and so we split the role of leader. I didn't have my camera while we were walking around campus, but Nick snapped this picture at the end. Note that Aaron is holding a knotted twine rosary from Rosary Army.

5:45pm ~ Since Sunday lifts my Lenten internet fast I said Hi to my friends on Nightscrawlers and did some admin stuff there. Then I prayed evening prayer and afterwards realized I didn't have enough food to make lunches for work this week.

7:00pm ~ So grocery shopping it was! I took a quick trip to Schnuck's and got some basic lunch stuff. I also found out that it is "Kosher Awareness Week" at Schnuck's so I picked up a box of Matzoh and some macaroons for Passover.

9:30pm ~ Now that the kitchen is stocked with freshly bought food I can make lunch. I'm sure Logan thinks he's "helping" in some way, but look at him, he's not even looking at the lunch I'm making. This is why cats should never be placed in supervisory positions.